ACH fraud occurs when a bank account is accessed or breached for unauthorized payments or withdrawals - and it’s on the rise. ACH and Electronic funds fraud have now far surpassed check fraud.Hackers are sophisticated and use methods such as public domain phishing to commit this fraud. While a variety of tools are available, a criminal can commit ACH fraud by simply having your bank account and routing numbers; routing numbers are already public record.

Electronic Payment Fraud
Increasingly complex scams involving major, international banks and electronic payment applications such as Zelle, Cashet/ Exactuals, VenMo, Cash App, ICard, Google Pay and Apple Pay are on the rise as ABC, and CBS reports:
These sophisticated scammers use social media scouring, emails (private and public), spoofing, phishing, phone numbers and server hacking to scam individuals, and companies. These scams far outweigh check fraud losses.
PAC leads the way in payroll, accounts payable fraud prevention technology. Check Guard ™ encryption is the most cost effective, secure way to pay bills and is registered on the upper left side of EP payroll checks. Checks become self-authenticating right out of your printer, no matter where a Production Accountant may be.

ACH Fraud
The Federal Reserve and Electronic Payments Network serve as overseers for the ACH network. The ACH network has made transferring funds between financial institutions and their customers more rapid. Unfortunately, these systems have also made it increasingly possible for companies to be defrauded by ACH.
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No need for reverse positive pay
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